One very quick shoutout to all my Puerto Rican sisters who showed out and got the FORMER governor of P.R. Ricardo Rosselló to resign last night! This is what people power truly looks like and I couldn’t be more inspired.

I can't help but think about what we’re doing wrong here stateside. We all should be camped out in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and storming D.C. at the moment with everything the current occupant of the White House has done so far and yet it’s business as usual. None of this is normal however we’ve somehow normalized the current chaos that is our daily reality.

As we continue to build our #ActUpSis movement, we continue the conversation by addressing your most concerning issues about this upcoming election. We want to help uplift your voice and bring together people who are FED UP across the country and ready to ACT UP this election in a way the establishment has never seen. First course of action, we’re collecting video and written submissions from you. Using the #ActUpSis2020 hashtag, share your story to discuss the most pressing issue impacting your life or your community at-large. If you decided to share a video, keep it under 2-3 minutes and with written submissions 500-700 words.

We’re saying bye to the days women suffer in silence at the polls for the sake of democracy, it’s time to speak up and be heard. Tell them the price went up and #ActUpSis by using the hashtag #ActUpSis2020.